The Colour of Heraldry

Heraldry can be found all around us, if you know where to look. It could be described as the shorthand of history, depicting the stories of Royalty, Noble families, Organisations, Governments and ordinary people in vivid and colourful displays.

The illustrated talk will provide an introduction to the basics, the minimal number of rules to be followed and include examples of Sussex Heraldry, personal, corporate and civic, including the origin of the Sussex Martlet

The Speaker is the Chairman of the White Lion Society who are the’ friends’ group for HM College of Arms. He has been a fan of Heraldry since a schoolboy.

Event Information

Event Date 18-04-2024 7:00 pm
Event End Date 18-04-2024 9:00 pm
Speaker Mike Scott Rumble
Open to Non-members as well
Location Worthing Meeting Centre